My goal:
- 2012 -
It is my intention to work together with visionaries to create a sane alternative to the forces I have outlined in my predictions. Only if we live the changes will they happen. Within that truth lies my dreams and my ambitions for the magical digital City of Gold.
Astronaut Ed Mitchell
whom I interviewed for this purpose,
wrote in his book - The Way Of The Explorer:
"We will not discover our future; we will create it."
The City of Gold creates a safe haven for people. It is composed of several Esoteric Magical study centers concerned with the ethics of a newly emerging world in Cosmic Light.
The City of Gold creates a safe haven for people. It is composed of several Esoteric Magical study centers concerned with the ethics of a newly emerging world in Cosmic Light.
I have created a space - Passage11.com - for people from all over the world to share their vision of peace, without any emphasis on a particular set of religious values. I establish a place of learning that benefits people of all ages. My space functions as a unit of peaceful co-operation. Anyone who is interested is welcome to make use of the resources. This is not a religious but a spiritual undertaking. All activities associated with my magi's teaching are based on an awareness of and a respect for the earth.
My Symposium Reteat & Astrology/Cosmology Center offers the opportunity for a personal consultation and the chance for those who are interested to develop an understanding of the skills of a star magi. Apart from individual consultations, participants are taught how to understand planetary forces. In one to one and in group sessions I show how each of us can empower ourselves to meet circumstances rather than to be helpless victims of circumstances. In this way the stars become a living dynamic in the lives of the participants, and not the hidden rulers. It will become clear that each of us has a powerful relationship with Cosmos that can teach us peace, joy and stability. We are the key to changing the future.
My Think Tank concerns itself with coordinating peace projects worldwide. I stepped in because my predictions were accurate and I had to make certain those who wished peace could carve out a space based on Divine Law to live in peace. My center for global comprehension is crossing all social and cultural barriers with a vision to establish a lasting co-operation between people of all ages and all beliefs. It is a Peace Center which serves as foundation for discussions and lectures by experts within the Sciences, Arts, Cosmology, Healing, Economics, Native Cultures and all forms of cross cultural sharing of wisdom and knowing.
I see a connecting network of like-minded centers around the world - functioning under Ecclesiastic Law above human rules and codes of laws - that produce synergies and create peace and understanding. A Center for NEW Communication Technologies will result in the development of self-administration skills, of marketing and public relations skills, and the establishing of independent public and private communication services.
My Psychic Recall Center is here to teach participants how to use natural psychic skills in all areas of every day life. Psychic Recall skills can be used to great effect while sailing, diving, learning survival skills, healing, as well as in the study of Astrology. This Inner Seeing is to be developed as a tool to connect with the inner mind. In this way, participants learn how to see beyond the patterns in order to resolve and to change them.
A core group of Seers will find new technologies better suited to develop a clean and peaceful world. A Sailing & Survival School, with careful emphasis on navigation by the stars will be created. A Survival School will teach people of all ages how to connect with and live off the resources near at hand. Basic survival skills will be taught together with an awareness that the earth is a living being who provides us with everything we need, and who should receive our thanks as part of a sacred relationship.
I see the City of Gold as a sacred place of Light, where people can heal and receive peace of heart as an antidote to the troubled times we are living through. The center will be placed so that the earth energies are balanced, bringing a special resonance into the physical and mental being, merging body, mind and soul. This concentration of peace, which is silence, will be the bridge of Light to a new way of living. Krishnamurti who is famous for his work Truth Is A PathLess Land & Freedom From The Known once said - not far from my retreat here - in Saanen Gstaad: "Truth is always new, never the known." Look at the links on this blog and contact me when you feel ready.