Healing the Heritage
Forging the Future
Before you read this "impression" that came to me in Summer 2005 while staring into a lake, please know that I have been called by some "The Obsidian Mirror". By the way, the pictures in this essay lead to certain futuristic links in my hidden books...
Some of you who were guided to this text will take a few minutes to grasp what follows, and some will work through this for a few years, depending on your frame of mind. In any case, many will see many different things in this impression. Whatever you see is what you were meant to see. What you find here I knew as a kid, but it took me 40 years to express it in words that some of my readers could "grasp."
Many worlds and planets have suffered through multiple trauma over eons, and endured unspeakeable trouble, wars and cataclysms; and yet, the past is past, and the trauma is now over. There is no point in remembering and analyzing the trauma as the regressive forces would like us to do. Unless we end it, it will not end, it is that simple. I say it again. It will only end, if and when WE, you and I, END IT. The decision to end it, is yours and mine, and his, and hers.
This begins at a personal level from psycho- and other analysis and goes on all the way to the inter-dimensional levels. There is no point in analyzing and feeding the trauma. We must end what was, and not nurture it by thought - with the result of keeping it going. Therein lies the trap, to keep looking at it over and over again, from Mars, to Maya, to Cathars, to Celts, to Tibet, and more, to the last few wars of the 20th Century... instead of closing the book and burn it. It is over.
We can begin anew, at any moment in time. As for me, I have decided it is now. It is not going to be easy but we can do it. Healing the heritage is a fine idea, and we can do it, and why not do it, but not at the expense of creating what we are here to do. As I once wrote before, the things of least importance have to get out the way of the things of utmost importance.
What I am talking about here is NOT some intellectual thought process type "stuff" and I do NOT wish you to THINK it through. This is REAL, Cosmic, planetary, individual, instant and complete as it is. People like to think a lot, and think it over again, instead of taking action without thought. Well... for now, I invite you to SEE:
a small excerpt from - "The Lord of The Rings"
Galadriel says:
"Here is the mirror of Galadriel.
I have brought you here, so that you may look in it, if you will."
"What shall we look for, and what shall we see?"
asked FRODO...
"Many things I can command the mirror to reveal,"
Galadriel answered...
"And to some I can show what they desire to see.
But The MIRROR will also show things unbidden,
and those are often stranger and more profitable than things
which we wish to behold.
What you will see if you leave the MIRROR free to work,
I cannot tell.
For it shows things that were,
and things that are,
the things that yet may be.
But which it is that he sees,
even the wisest cannot always tell.
Do you wish to look?"

Some of us human beings -- seers shamans and sages among us -- have refined and excellent visions about how this world would best look like and should be, while the beings looking in and the Presence I call "The Force" that works with some of us laughs at us. We keep dreaming and expressing ourselves about wonderful concepts and strategies on how we could improve this world, hoping or wishing that by doing so we will magically create motivation - leading to actions for certain individuals and groups. All this is great, and has been tried before, and ... evidently did not produce the desired result. Why do you think this is so?
We - the few - are starting out on an entirely different approach, aka Action Without Thought, or direct action - in which concepts such as "ascension" or "living without ego" are unhelpful. The change begins only - at least in my opinion - when the old has died. Only then can Healing the Heritage & Forging the Future begin. What I am saying is that for us to become who we are supposed to be, if being is even what is, we have to actually die of our old human self-image, and let go to transmute into what human being as defined as "made in His image" is really about.

This world, planet earth, is full of potential and possibilities. It is the home into which we are sent when we separate from first source for a moment in the illusion of separation. But we are actually not separated. We have invented all sorts of concepts and thought structures which are nothing but ridiculous illusions and excuses for not doing what we are here to do. The fact that this earth has hosted so much conflict in so many thousands of years leads us to assume that nothing can grow here anymore. This assumption is a mistake.
Some of you who were guided to this text will take a few minutes to grasp what follows, and some will work through this for a few years, depending on your frame of mind. In any case, many will see many different things in this impression. Whatever you see is what you were meant to see. What you find here I knew as a kid, but it took me 40 years to express it in words that some of my readers could "grasp."
Many worlds and planets have suffered through multiple trauma over eons, and endured unspeakeable trouble, wars and cataclysms; and yet, the past is past, and the trauma is now over. There is no point in remembering and analyzing the trauma as the regressive forces would like us to do. Unless we end it, it will not end, it is that simple. I say it again. It will only end, if and when WE, you and I, END IT. The decision to end it, is yours and mine, and his, and hers.
This begins at a personal level from psycho- and other analysis and goes on all the way to the inter-dimensional levels. There is no point in analyzing and feeding the trauma. We must end what was, and not nurture it by thought - with the result of keeping it going. Therein lies the trap, to keep looking at it over and over again, from Mars, to Maya, to Cathars, to Celts, to Tibet, and more, to the last few wars of the 20th Century... instead of closing the book and burn it. It is over.
We can begin anew, at any moment in time. As for me, I have decided it is now. It is not going to be easy but we can do it. Healing the heritage is a fine idea, and we can do it, and why not do it, but not at the expense of creating what we are here to do. As I once wrote before, the things of least importance have to get out the way of the things of utmost importance.
What I am talking about here is NOT some intellectual thought process type "stuff" and I do NOT wish you to THINK it through. This is REAL, Cosmic, planetary, individual, instant and complete as it is. People like to think a lot, and think it over again, instead of taking action without thought. Well... for now, I invite you to SEE:
a small excerpt from - "The Lord of The Rings"
Galadriel says:
"Here is the mirror of Galadriel.
I have brought you here, so that you may look in it, if you will."
"What shall we look for, and what shall we see?"
asked FRODO...
"Many things I can command the mirror to reveal,"
Galadriel answered...
"And to some I can show what they desire to see.
But The MIRROR will also show things unbidden,
and those are often stranger and more profitable than things
which we wish to behold.
What you will see if you leave the MIRROR free to work,
I cannot tell.
For it shows things that were,
and things that are,
the things that yet may be.
But which it is that he sees,
even the wisest cannot always tell.
Do you wish to look?"

Some of us human beings -- seers shamans and sages among us -- have refined and excellent visions about how this world would best look like and should be, while the beings looking in and the Presence I call "The Force" that works with some of us laughs at us. We keep dreaming and expressing ourselves about wonderful concepts and strategies on how we could improve this world, hoping or wishing that by doing so we will magically create motivation - leading to actions for certain individuals and groups. All this is great, and has been tried before, and ... evidently did not produce the desired result. Why do you think this is so?
We - the few - are starting out on an entirely different approach, aka Action Without Thought, or direct action - in which concepts such as "ascension" or "living without ego" are unhelpful. The change begins only - at least in my opinion - when the old has died. Only then can Healing the Heritage & Forging the Future begin. What I am saying is that for us to become who we are supposed to be, if being is even what is, we have to actually die of our old human self-image, and let go to transmute into what human being as defined as "made in His image" is really about.

This world, planet earth, is full of potential and possibilities. It is the home into which we are sent when we separate from first source for a moment in the illusion of separation. But we are actually not separated. We have invented all sorts of concepts and thought structures which are nothing but ridiculous illusions and excuses for not doing what we are here to do. The fact that this earth has hosted so much conflict in so many thousands of years leads us to assume that nothing can grow here anymore. This assumption is a mistake.
We then assume that - because we seem to know there will be some more conflict - the light will withdraw, when in fact the light is actually getting so immensely bright day by day that it is separating the dark ones away from the light ones. The light I am talking about is cornering the darkness of this world. No weather manipulations, no wars, no domination tricks by the dark ones will trump over what I know as "The Force".
But it is possible that creative dialogue and thinking together can take place even between the oldest rivals of all dimensions and nations and groups, if they die from their selves and create their own newness. The light beings looking in from above or outside are laughing or at least shaking their "heads" when they see human beings suffering. We did not come here to suffer, let alone to remember some vague old suffering. That too is an illusory thought construct. The free will we were given is direct action -- not a choice mission with its opposite anti choice -- it is the freedom of pure action that we are given.
But it is possible that creative dialogue and thinking together can take place even between the oldest rivals of all dimensions and nations and groups, if they die from their selves and create their own newness. The light beings looking in from above or outside are laughing or at least shaking their "heads" when they see human beings suffering. We did not come here to suffer, let alone to remember some vague old suffering. That too is an illusory thought construct. The free will we were given is direct action -- not a choice mission with its opposite anti choice -- it is the freedom of pure action that we are given.
There is "The Force" to which there is no counter-force. It will at times remind us of what we were initially given via creation. This force is all-creative and uses guidance as its messenger built-in to us in order to make itself known to us. Once we get to recognize and make friends with The Force, we can move inside the force and therefore with the force.
Then, and only then do all the concepts, ideas, strategies and visions we carry around become secondary albeit helpful, as the actual (not imagined but actual) action begins. It is at that point that change sets in. When action leads the way. To come to that point of realization first, some of us have to traverse an intense passage, that of "dying" of the old self, and becoming as Cosmic as a planet, a mountain, an ocean, a sea, or a river.

When you follow any river to its source, you will find that it begins with a small drop of water coming out of some cave or glacier on top of some mountain. A tiny drop from somewhere up in the Himalaya will become the Ganges river. A similar drop from a glacier in the Swiss Alps will become lake Geneva and then a stream, the Rhone, ending in the Mediterranean. We - the few - who have grasped this and who have worked with our birth planets are that drop and therefore we become the ocean.
I was told by The Force: "You Be The Mountain!" And the mountain I like to go visit and be with has let me know in its own ways -- via The Force -- that we all (or at least a few of us) are to be like this mountain, or like that river, or that ocean, or planet, with no self, but with the capacity of complete impact to produce action which will induce change.
This form of "death" I witnessed is more devastating than the "physical" death people are scared of, because it will now really lead to a new way of doing things. In other words, to me drama and trauma is no longer my world, so what will my world now be? Short answer: "Living inside The Mirror of Seeing" aka The Mirror of Galadriel. In longer words, it is surely easier to die and go live "in heaven", whereas to leave one`s born life behind and to begin one`s newness in this very life right now - while still alive - is an ongoing process that one will spend one`s new life doing and living, as it will never leave us. It is I trust what Krishnamurti called "The Path."
Then, and only then do all the concepts, ideas, strategies and visions we carry around become secondary albeit helpful, as the actual (not imagined but actual) action begins. It is at that point that change sets in. When action leads the way. To come to that point of realization first, some of us have to traverse an intense passage, that of "dying" of the old self, and becoming as Cosmic as a planet, a mountain, an ocean, a sea, or a river.

When you follow any river to its source, you will find that it begins with a small drop of water coming out of some cave or glacier on top of some mountain. A tiny drop from somewhere up in the Himalaya will become the Ganges river. A similar drop from a glacier in the Swiss Alps will become lake Geneva and then a stream, the Rhone, ending in the Mediterranean. We - the few - who have grasped this and who have worked with our birth planets are that drop and therefore we become the ocean.
I was told by The Force: "You Be The Mountain!" And the mountain I like to go visit and be with has let me know in its own ways -- via The Force -- that we all (or at least a few of us) are to be like this mountain, or like that river, or that ocean, or planet, with no self, but with the capacity of complete impact to produce action which will induce change.
This form of "death" I witnessed is more devastating than the "physical" death people are scared of, because it will now really lead to a new way of doing things. In other words, to me drama and trauma is no longer my world, so what will my world now be? Short answer: "Living inside The Mirror of Seeing" aka The Mirror of Galadriel. In longer words, it is surely easier to die and go live "in heaven", whereas to leave one`s born life behind and to begin one`s newness in this very life right now - while still alive - is an ongoing process that one will spend one`s new life doing and living, as it will never leave us. It is I trust what Krishnamurti called "The Path."
If it is true that we re-incarnate, and I know we do, then surely we would be super-smart and all-wise by now, since we had died physically. So why is it that so many of us have died in other lives... and we are still here behaving as we did eons ago? This is what I mean. This is why the death in one's own real life is more important than that "other" death many are so scared of.
If the dark and faceless ones are reading this -- and I know they are and I know they understand what all this means -- I can tell them with absolute certainty and conviction that this earth will clean them out, with or without the few of us being here who have willingly died from their old lives. There is no point to fight the game. It is already lost for them. The Force and we the few will not withdraw. All the dark ones can do now is move out of the way, because we will hunt them down by bringing them to light -- without any fear.
We the few are feeling all right about not knowing everything and about no longer having any doubts about what matters, because we have seen The Force in our selves and we are now learning how to work with The Force and how to handle it constructively and for the good of those around us. We know that the "choices" we make are not made from the "mind", they are inherently guided by ourselves with The Force. So, this means the dark and faceless ones can consider us the few as the extended arm of The Force. If I was the dark ones I would be retreating now, having read this.
Some of us have always known since we were very young - but have not as yet really fully applied - our own power. Maybe out of fear, maybe out of sorrow for this world, maybe just so as not to ruffle any feathers, and maybe out of misunderstood "trauma" or for whatever vague but inaccurate reasons. Some preferred to play along, helping out here and there wherever they could. But now, among those powerful ones a few of the advanced ones are waking up to the fact that we are not going to give away this earth, and they are prepared to step up to the plate. This is where the game begins.
Via light beings, guided ETs, and certain human beings, The Force sent down on this earth for eons some "special ones" to elevate humanity to its proper level and to teach mankind how to heal from the "trauma" of being human. Apparently most human beings are not able to access this power from the other world within themselves. Many sages and shamans, teachers and healers, and other helpful ones were sent in over many millenia to "do the job", and yet not much has changed.
Why is that so? The reason this is so is because there has been too much -- if not only -- talk, thinking, dreaming, envisioning, and discussion about the job at hand, or the progress we should make... BUT NO ACTION. The ground rules of all this are now about to change. In other words the old game is over.
Some of us have always known since we were very young - but have not as yet really fully applied - our own power. Maybe out of fear, maybe out of sorrow for this world, maybe just so as not to ruffle any feathers, and maybe out of misunderstood "trauma" or for whatever vague but inaccurate reasons. Some preferred to play along, helping out here and there wherever they could. But now, among those powerful ones a few of the advanced ones are waking up to the fact that we are not going to give away this earth, and they are prepared to step up to the plate. This is where the game begins.
Via light beings, guided ETs, and certain human beings, The Force sent down on this earth for eons some "special ones" to elevate humanity to its proper level and to teach mankind how to heal from the "trauma" of being human. Apparently most human beings are not able to access this power from the other world within themselves. Many sages and shamans, teachers and healers, and other helpful ones were sent in over many millenia to "do the job", and yet not much has changed.
Why is that so? The reason this is so is because there has been too much -- if not only -- talk, thinking, dreaming, envisioning, and discussion about the job at hand, or the progress we should make... BUT NO ACTION. The ground rules of all this are now about to change. In other words the old game is over.
A few will receive something from this essay-impression. I cannot speak of the new - of this amazing change in process - in the dying language of the old brain. And so, I use the language of the Seeing Mirror. Only the few who are prepared to step into their own power - via direct action - and move with The Force will be able to make the difference. This difference will be made by applying the power given to us. It means we will see action, which will bring change. And this means change into action without thought.
Wishing you well
May WE BE With The Force...
May WE BE With The Force...
Peace -- Michael St.Clair